Free 2024 Printable Calendar

Every year since 2014 I’ve created a Free Minimal Wall Planner/Calendar for someone just like you – to download, print and organise your year, clearly and effectively. The minimal design allows the focus to fully be on your reminders – so no more missed appointments or birthdays! Join the thousands of others who bring some calm to daily/weekly chaos by downloading this Wall Planner, below, in either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 column layouts.
It’s been designed for A5, A4 or A3 sized printing – but if you’re outside NZ/AUS and print on letter size stock, it’ll still look fine! (the side margins will just be a little bit wider).
Download the FREE planner
Simply click on the number of columns you require, then once it’s downloaded, just print from your home printer or local copy centre!